Pompeii is one of the world’s best known archaeological sites. Its fame comes from its dramatic destruction and extraordinary preservation as a result of an eruption of
Mount Vesuvius.
On August 20, A.D. 79, Pompeii was rocked by more earth tremors, although they do not seem to have been as severe as the 62 earthquake. Springs in the area dried up. The ancient Pompeians did not recognize that these were signs of the imminent eruption of Vesuvius. When the volcano exploded between noon and 1pm on August 24, it caught everyone by surprise. According to Pliny the Younger, a 12-mile high cloud of ash and rock was thrown into the air, blocking out the sun. The wind was blowing from the northwest, so when the volcanic matter began to fall, it was blown in the direction of Pompeii, Herculaneum, Stabia and other sites in direction to the southeast. The eruption created total darkness, as well as electrical discharges from atmospheric disturbances. Ash, pumice, and rock fell, initially with a low density.This piled up in streets, on rooftops, and fell in through every open space such as windows. Many roofs collapsed under its weight and falling debris causing injuries.
This phase of the eruption continued for the rest of the day. People wandered around in darkness, pushing their way through pumice and debris, which was piling up. Many may have tried to escape, when the others decided to wait it out. No one had experienced such a catastrophe before,so they did not know what to expect from it.
It is said that Herculaneum to was founded by Hercules.Remarkably well-preserved Roman town.Built between 80 and 70 B.C., unfortunately it was destroyed by the eruption of Vesuvius in A.D. 79. Unlike Pompeii, however, Herculaneum was not buried by lava and lapilli (burning fragments of pumice stone), but was submerged by thick mud which then solidified into soft tufa rock, thus preserving the many frescoes and pieces of art that you can still admire nowadays.Herculaneum was discovered in 1709.Excavation work has brought to light sumptuous villas, baths, theatres and also a villa thought to have belonged to the father-in-law of Julius Caesar.
Mt. Vesuvius is the best known volcano all over the world; it dominates the Bay of Naples with its characteristic cone. Typical example of volcano in a volcano made by an outer broken cone, Mt. Somma (1133 mt) with a crateric belt most of which is destroyed. Inside there is a smaller cone, the Mt. Vesuvius (1281 mt), divided by Valle del Gigante (Giants Valley), a part of the ancient caldron where in a later period, perhaps during the 79 A.D. eruption,the Gran Cono (Great Cone) or Mt. Vesuvius arose.
The last eruption of Vesuvius began on 18th March 1944 during the occupation.
This concluded a period of minor eruptions from the central crater which began in 1914.